architecture & interior design. how do we think spaces the alalong way?


The process outlined below, includes stages and principles that are universally applicable to architectural and interior design projects, irrespective of their scale or type. The presented stages may be entirely or partially relevant, contingent upon the unique circumstances of each project.

*the technical documentation phases apply to projects authorized and built in Romania

BIM  (building information modeling)

The Alalong design process is based on BIM design (Building Information Modeling). This way, we ensure an integrated approach between all "actors" involved in the process (architect, structural engineers, installation engineers, builder, etc.) from an early stage of the project. From the beginning of the design process, we simultaneously approach both the general conformation of the house and the configuration of the characteristic details, using: models, 3D modelling, 2D drawings, technical details, renderings, etc. The benefits of BIM design:

integrated design as early as the concept stage
optimization of the time required for the design process
reducing the risk of major changes occurring in the detailing stages
realistic bill of quantities and cost estimates, customized to your project
reduction of additional unforeseen costs that may occur during the construction stage
the centralization of all the drafted parts of the project, from general plans to technical details
3D and VR simulations
VR (virtual reality) VISUALIZATION

In our ongoing quest to streamline design time and costs, as well as project execution costs, we have introduced virtual tours through VR headsets, right from the concept stage. This way, you will be able to have, very early in the process, an extremely realistic view of how your home will look. You will be able to experience the connections between spaces, their passage and amplitude, the light at different times of the day, the materiality, the passing of the seasons, etc. We will go beyond viewing projects only through blueprints, 3D models and renderings, as is the case in most situations. Thus, you will be able to know, with certainty, that the project you approved is definitely the one you dreamed of. The benefits of working in VR are numerous and consistent:

it offers the most complex way to view a project
it helps understanding the project as a whole
it massively reduces the level of changes occurring in the detailing stages
it reduces design time and therefore costs
it helps understanding the challenges that will arise later on the site
it reduces execution costs

Any successful architectural project has a series of adventures behind it - like a good novel. And if we were to briefly tell you how the story of your project would go, we would start like this:


We start by getting to know you and your site.

We'll send you a comprehensive questionnaire, containing a list of questions that will help us analyze your needs and wishes in detail
We schedule an initial meeting - we analyze all of the answers submitted in the questionnaire + outline the design brief and the investment budget
We collect references - we generate a common board between the architect and the client, where we put together relevant images for the future project
We gather all initial documents - we obtain the land deed extract, the topographical plan, the geotechnical study, the urban planning certificate, etc.
We prepare our project work base - we carry out the spatial and photographic survey, as well as an acoustic and lighting analysis
We schedule a secondary discussion - together we analyze the collected references + we finalize the design brief and the investment budget

Together we design the way your home will look and feel. This is the "chapter" that will set the tone for the entire project.

In the Alalong design process, the concept stage goes beyond simply drawing floor plans or presenting beautiful interior renderings. Together, we will make  the most important decisions for the future of your project: conforming spaces, structure and materiality, types of installations and technologies, and simultaneously we will begin to outline the bill of quantities and a preliminary budget.

We know, it seems like a lot of decisions to make right from the start, but our goal is to provide a solid foundation for the project, which will save you time and money in the later stages of detailing. A concept made without taking the preliminary integration of the necessary third-party specialists or of minimal technical detailing into account, may even lead to total redesign in later stages.

And because we think this chapter is crucial, we'll make sure you have all the tools necesary to make the right decisions for your needs:

Model of the site sc. 1:100/1:200 (as applicable)
Model of the house sc. 1:50
3D Model (BIM design)
Plans for characteristic levels - annotated, furnished and preliminarily coordinated with specialties (structure, installations, etc.)
Characteristic sections - annotated, furnished and preliminarily coordinated with specialties (structure, installations, etc.)
Elevations - annotated, furnished and preliminarily coordinated with the specialties (structure, installations, etc.)
Solar studies and preliminary energy efficiency compliance
Architectural renderings and visualization
Short animation through the spaces of the house
Virtual tour of the house, using VR headset
Preliminary bill of costs and quantities (resulting from BIM design)

In this stage we "attack" the project on two fronts. We begin drafting the Technical Project (PT) and at the same time we prepare the documentatin for obtaining the Building Permit (DTAC). We consolidate the foundation that was laid in the previous stage, so that your project is ready for the long-awaited moment - the start of the construction site!

energetic conformation

A truly Alalong vision will always aim for the most Earth-friendly design solutions possible. From 2021, according to law 372/2005, any new construction must be built according to NZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Buildings) standards, so it must have "nearly zero" energy consumption. This is an intermediate step in a broad strategy at European level, which involves the reduction of total CO2 emissions up to 95%  by the year 2050 and the implementation of the ZEB (Zero Energy Buildings/passive building) standard for both newly constructed buildings and the existing buildings. What does an NZEB house mean? It refers to a house that meets superior energy efficiency standards, reaching total energy consumption of a maximum of 111 kwh/m2*, which must be covered by energy from renewable sources in a percentage of at least 30%. Concretely, this is achieved by applying some essential principles, as early as the design stage:

the additional and uninterrupted thermal insulation of the building envelope
the reduction/elimination of thermal bridges
the correct sealing of the building envelope
the use of high energy performance windows (with verification of all coefficients)
the use of ventilation systems (preferably with heat recovery)

The NZEB standard is closest to the passive house standard (ZEB - zero energy building) and is based on the same building compliance principles, but has different ways of calculating the total primary energy and reference values ​​of different consumptions.

Consequently, in the design process we will take care of the energy compliance of the building from the early stages, together with the experts in the field, starting from the technical details and testing configurations in specialized calculation software.

*the maximum allowed values ​​of the total annual primary energy consumption will vary depending on the destination of the building and the climate zone in which the building will be located; the value of the total primary energy consumption of 111 kwh/m2 is calculated for an individual home located in climatic zone II of Romania

PT - technical project (DD - design developement)

General drawings
sc. 1:500/1:200/1:100/1:50

We further detail the drawings drafted in the concept phase, finalizing the general guidelines of the project, in coordination with all parties involved: architecture, structural engineering, installation engineering (electrical, thermal, sanitary) etc.. This set of drawings will contain all necessary information for bidding, for the beginning of the construction site and the execution of the major elements of the project: dimensions, positioning and level dimensions, positioning dimensions and indications for voids, general data for each space, indications for elements and systems of constructive elements, indications for internal and external stairs, elevators, access ways and circulation, compliance with fire safety regulations, indications for thermal, electrical, sanitary installations, general indications for finishes, furniture, bathrooms and sanitary groups, kitchens, internal and external framing, tinsmithing, interior and exterior railings, facades.

Zoning plan
Site plan
Excavation plan
Roof plan
Enclosing plans
Partitioning plans
Flooring plans
Ceiling plans
Street elevations

Detailing drawings
sc. 1:25/1:20/1:10/1:5

This set of plans is complementary to the set of general drawings, and makes the transition from the major scale of the project to the minor scale, for the execution of the detail elements and the bidding (as applicable). These drawings contain the characteristic details of the building, in horizontal and vertical sections or elevations, for: installations, bathrooms, kitchens, execution, interior and exterior stairs, interior and exterior framing, tinsmithing, interior and exterior raillings, facades. The annotations refer to: dimensions, technical data, types of finishes and particularities of execution, reference data within the project, etc.

Installations detailing + Reference
Bathrooms detailing + Reference
Sanitary groups detailing + Reference
Kitchens detailing + Reference
Bay detailing + Reference
Execution detailing + Reference
Exterior staircases detailing + Reference
Interior staircases detailing + Reference
Exterior joinery detailing + Reference
Interior joinery detailing + Reference
Tinware detailing + Reference
Exterior railings detailing + Reference
Interior railings detailing + Reference
Facade detailing + Reference
DTAC (CD - the documentation for obtaining the building permit)

It is an extract from PT (technical project) + a number of other necessary documents:

Application for the issuance of the building/demolition permit
Annex to the Application for the issuance of the construction/demolition permit
Submitted documents list
Urban planning certificate (copy)
Updated cadastral plans
Proof of title to the property, land and/or buildings
Extract from the updated Land Information Book (original)
Copy of applicant ID
Tax certification (original)
Tax payment document for the permit issuance fee
Neighbors' (and Owners' Association) agreement in legalized form (original)
Proof of taking into account the architectural project at O.A.R.
Tax payment document for the architecture stamp fee
Urban utilities and infrastructure notices and agreements (copy)
Other approvals/agreements: environmental protection, fire safety, civil protection, public health
Specific notices/agreements of the central public administration
Geotechnical study or other reports and studies, as requested
Calculation of heat transfer coefficient "G"
Energy audit report
Energy performance certificate
Technical expertise
Technical expertise verification report + verifier credentials
Architecture verification report + verifier credentials
Structural engineering verification report + verifier credentials
Electrical installations verification report + verifier credentials
Thermal installations verification report + verifier credentials
Sanitary installations verification report + verifier credentials
General estimate

Project for obtaining the building permit - D.T.A.C (CD)

(2 original copies):
A1. architecture report
A2. verification report + credentials
A3. drawings

B1. technical expertise
B2. structural engineering report
B3. verification report + credentials
B4. drawings

C1. electrical installations report
C2. referat de verificare + legitimație
C3. drawings

D1. thermal installations report
D2. verification report + credentials
D3. drawings

E1. sanitary installations report
E2. verification report + credentials
E3. drawings


The authorization file has been submitted. After a long wait, we finally have the building permit! Now we can get down to business! Even though our mission is almost over, we still want to be there for you! Therefore, in this stage, we will help you with:

Site visits in the decisive stages of execution
Assistance in clarifying the architectural design to suppliers and contractors
Technical assistance in adapting the project according to any changes that may occur during the construction site
Project management - contracted upon request

Even the longest stories eventually come to an end. But we like "open" endings. So, don't be surprised if, after you and your home will experience the first rains, the first frozen winters, the first hot summers together, you wake up with a message from us checking in on how things are going for you. If we've survived through so many adventures together and still remained friends, we will surely keep an alalong connection!


If we draw the line, we will see that in the design process we have a long list of characters involved...similar to the credits list at the end of a movie. And whether we're talking about the lead actors or the directors and cameramen, each of them plays an essential role in making the final product. The same is true when it comes to design. A list of the characters involved in the design process, from concept to execution, would look something like this:


City Hall + other Institutions
Surveyor engineer*
Geotechnical Engineer*


Structural engineer
Installation Engineers
(sanitary, thermal, electrical)
Energy auditor


Architecture verifier
Structural engineer
Structural engineering verifier
Installation Engineers
(sanitary, thermal, electrical)
Installation verifiers (sanitary, thermal, electrical)
Energy auditor
City Hall + other Institutions


Project manager*
Site master*
General contractor
Construction team
City Hall + other Institutions


Because we want to encourage you to start your project, we're going to take it step by step. Therefore, all of the above stages can be contracted separately, as individual stages. We can go through the PROLOGUE of your project together, over a coffee, either at our office, or remotely, via video call. This way, we offer you the flexibility to get through your project at your own pace and change your mind at any time about the project or even about working with us.

Choose carefully your team for the road!
Don't hold on to the "square meters"! Sometimes, in order to find the optimal balance between budget, needs, quality, etc., it is recommended to reduce the built footprint, so as not to compromise on the quality of the materials or details of the project. Our advice is to choose a more compact house, but built with quality materials.
Divide and prioritize your investment! Even if your budget is limited, this should not mean a compromise on quality. But it is crucial to decide what to invest in with priority and what can wait. Our advice is to invest as a priority in: customized and staged design, compliance with NZEB/passive house standards, correct execution of technical details on site. You only create your foundation wouldn't you want to make sure it's long-lasting?
Don't rush into things! Nothing good can come out of this. Yes, we know, you have received offers for projects that could be completed in 1-2-3 months. "Turnkey", really! Unfortunately, however, the sooner those projects are completed, the faster the problems appear. Because we promised you we'll be honest, we'll tell you that truly successful things don't happen overnight. Designing and executing a healthy home takes time. Our advice is to arm yourself with patience!
Last but not least, enjoy the process! Whether you're building your first house or remodeling your apartment/office, or opening a coffee shop, the experience you're going through should be special. You are investing money, time and energy into something that will become a big part of you. Enjoy!
Think  la longue!
if you are interested in working together, let's get to know each other!
you can leave us a message below and we will contact you!


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